Best buds. Its so cute he follows her everywhere now.

we went to the San Diego zoo in June, and this
was Ava's reaction to the monkey. she was so excited!

so happy to be at the beach, she laughed every time
a wave came and hit her little legs.

yes she came out of me and looks just like him!
Getting some birthday kisses from my hunny!
Our new hat, its so cute, and I think she knows it =)
Mommy and Ava at a San Diego beach
Its true the camera adds 10 pounds. Still cameras too ok?
She kept saying the ocean is beautiful!
Well it has been such a long time since I have made a post! My how time flies! Especially when you are having fun! Since my last post I have had my 27th(yikes!) birthday, we had a mini vacation to San Diego, had my 6th niece welcomed into the world, with one more to make her debut in September, and so much more.
Life has been a tad crazy in the Stabe home in the past month. In the last month we have had our car broken into twice, about $1500 worth of car and stereo equipment taken, with insurance only paying a fraction of that, our a/c in one car went out and while they had it in the air checking it out they noticed that the tires were literally hanging on by a thread (they were 5 years old) so we had to fix that, so mind you the a/c was put on hold! Ya with the crazy hotness we have had in Sacramento lately, its not fun! Then the screen on my iphone cracked and broke, and that night I realized that Ava's beloved goldfish Dorthy had passed and needed to be flushed. So much in so little time has gone wrong. It's actually amazing when I look at it all here written in front of me.
But what rings true in my mind is God's faithfulness. I know that He works all things together for the good of those who love him, and what the enemy meant for evil HE will use for good. I get really down and out when I think about all that has gone wrong and sometimes I wonder what will come next, but I know that is right where the enemy wants me. Stiff and unwilling to move out of fear for the next round of hits. I have to much to lose if I think that way, and I have so much to gain if I press on knowing God is my source and my vengeance in this life. I am but a vapour life is so short and I have to much to be grateful for.
I have a little girl who while I was flushing her pet fish said "bye bye dorfy, see you later" (and yes I tried to flush her without Ava seeing, this little girl sprinted back to the toilet right as dorthy was circling down). I need her child like faith, knowing that mommy and daddy are too good to let her go without her "dorfy". I know God is faithful and I have a wonderful little girl and my best friend that I married to carry me through.
To God be all glory and honor and praise, the best is yet to come!!
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