It's been ages!!! Over a year to be exact. I had to decide that I wanted to be back in the blog world. I wanted to keep in touch with so many of my friends that live out of state and refuse to have facebook......Becca.
I realized how much I love reading others blogs and hearing all the crazy funny things their kids say and do.
The last year has brought quit a bit of changes and challenges for us. Mark and I are no longer working at our church as youth pastors, and that has been a difficult thing to deal with and to move on from. But for everything there is a season, and we are looking ahead to what God wants to do and will do in our lives from this point on. We are looking at moving most likely out of state, but we are willing to do anything as long as we know God is in it. I would love to move back to Tulsa, but we shall see. So many good memories there and so many good friends left behind, it's hard to not want to go back.
Mark is now working for Apple in their call center, answering phone calls and helping people with their computer problems, and fixing other peoples issues all day. He basically is one hot handsome geek =) Love that guy! He works so hard, sometimes 60+ hours a week so I can stay home with Ava. It is so important to both of us that I am home with her, and he makes it happen. He is amazing!
We also found out in February of this year that we were expecting our second baby! So as time has flown by already, I am laying on our couch right now 39 weeks pregnant and ready to pop at any given time. Really so ready! So we will be welcoming our little Judah Ryan Stabe any day now. I am hoping at any second my water will break and I can call Mark squealing that its time...............................................
nope hasn't happened yet =)
So here is to starting up my blog again and giving it another whirl...hoping to stay with it this time. Why I am starting it again right before I will be giving birth I have no idea.
Here are some favorite photos from the last year that you all have missed out on!

While eating out, Ava told me she was "zesting her lemon"
We watch too much food network apparently.

Pregnant with Judah......36 weeks in this one.
Best friends came for a visit, May 2010

Summer fashion show 2010
The new Jr. Miss potato head

The princess of the Stabe home
Getting some sweet snuggles in San Francisco
Yea!!! You are back in the blog world! I will have to put you back on my blog list, you little slacker.
ReplyDeletePraying your water breaks like tomorrow.
Love you guys.